Thursday, April 27, 2023

Adding movement to the classroom to reinforce learning

A teacher approached me asking for suggestions how to help his students when they have difficulty with focus..

Fidgeting in chair

Difficulty following directions 

Can't pay attention

What do we do when children are at varied levels of learning and have different needs? When a few children have difficulty with focus it can affect the whole class. 

Here are some ideas: 

bean bag toss - to improve attention (movement often helps to reinforce learning.) Can use this when asking children to answer questions. It may help them focus and retain what is being taught.  

movement breaks such as: "Simon says", Wall push ups, circle movement games where each person has a turn in guiding an exercise, guided stretches, and more..  be creative. Ask the children to help make up a game!

Quiet time - play classical music :)) as a routine with dim lights at times of difficulty in transition. Children can put heads down if they like. 

Make up songs to help reinforce learning. Children learn well through rhythm and melody.

Introduce "classroom helpers" roles. Helper roles can include helping push chairs in, setting up snack time, carrying weighted items such as books, help with wiping down tables. 

Allow for snack time through the day and water breaks.  Hyperactive children are often hungry. Encourage foods without food coloring (food coloring can cause symptoms of hyperactivity). 

Introduce zones of regulation, a chart that helps in developing communication about emotions. I highly recommend parents use zones chart in the home setting.  Zones of regulation

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