Thursday, April 27, 2023

Adding movement to the classroom to reinforce learning

A teacher approached me asking for suggestions how to help his students when they have difficulty with focus..

Fidgeting in chair

Difficulty following directions 

Can't pay attention

What do we do when children are at varied levels of learning and have different needs? When a few children have difficulty with focus it can affect the whole class. 

Here are some ideas: 

bean bag toss - to improve attention (movement often helps to reinforce learning.) Can use this when asking children to answer questions. It may help them focus and retain what is being taught.  

movement breaks such as: "Simon says", Wall push ups, circle movement games where each person has a turn in guiding an exercise, guided stretches, and more..  be creative. Ask the children to help make up a game!

Quiet time - play classical music :)) as a routine with dim lights at times of difficulty in transition. Children can put heads down if they like. 

Make up songs to help reinforce learning. Children learn well through rhythm and melody.

Introduce "classroom helpers" roles. Helper roles can include helping push chairs in, setting up snack time, carrying weighted items such as books, help with wiping down tables. 

Allow for snack time through the day and water breaks.  Hyperactive children are often hungry. Encourage foods without food coloring (food coloring can cause symptoms of hyperactivity). 

Introduce zones of regulation, a chart that helps in developing communication about emotions. I highly recommend parents use zones chart in the home setting.  Zones of regulation

For more info contact 

Thursday, February 4, 2021

We are in this together.

 Hello New and Old friends.

After a LONG break from writing, I'll be starting to post on this page again.. Since Covid and the challenges that come with therapeutic practice in the hybrid and zoom format, I am inspired to share my knowledge, especially for the new therapists who will be starting. How exciting! The new grads will be starting a whole new model of practice. There will be challenges and opportunity to create something great.

Please stay in contact with me, let me know your interest in joining my blog, and in reading my posts. 

I am excited to start this journey in giving back, education, and community support.

Best Regards,



Saturday, May 13, 2017

Tools to help children and adults focus

Hi All,

I was looking up some products that I currently use with my students and amazon has this one for a reasonable price. I love wedge/balance cushions for persons who have ADHD or focusing challenges.
Balance cushions are also great to work on core strengthening, balance in standing, and body awareness. I often have students stand on it (with close supervision of course) and hold their hand if needed to do a reach and grasp activity..  Great to do with shoes off to get tactile input into the feet.
Great to also put it on the chair (make sure if a good fit) so that children can wiggle, which helps them to focus. I have also used adult sized wedge cushions on the inpatient acute psychiatric unit and the patients love them, finding it easier to focus as well. 


Thursday, August 18, 2016

Vision and Exercise for better focus and memory


Thank you for taking the time to read this blog, am grateful for your connection and interest..

Having worked in the Occupational Therapy field in both the pediatric and mental health practice areas, I have noticed something very important!!!

The importance of vision assessment and therapies. And the importance of exercise!


Because a HUGE majority of the people I treat have vision issues that go undiagnosed. This is a problem. In fact, the National Institutes of Health said that "75%-80% of special education students identified as learning disabled have their basic deficits in language and reading."

What are we doing about it?

There are centers that assess vision in a more detailed way not just through the E eye chart which measures distance reading. Developmental and Behavioral optometrists can assess vision to better understand issues such as tracking, eye movement control, eye teaming, and more.
One cannot read and remember what is being read if they have trouble reading, eye fatigue, and double vision. This is essential in my opinion.

I am currently finishing some training (all done online) how to better assess vision screenings. Will post more info about it in a few weeks..

A friend also recently directed me to an article posted in an Indian Newspaper about the importance of exercise in treatment of schizophrenia. She asked me do I agree? I said absolutely.


When I am working with patients on an acute psychiatric ward (adults of all ages), mostly who have schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, we encourage and do exercise groups every day and educate about posture and the importance of exercising every week.  We see the benefits all the time!! The patients are more alert, have an easier time concentrating, and through breath work (pranayama) they learn to relax. It is very humbling to see. I myself favor Yoga practice especially. The patients love it and very much say they are helped by it.

Please stay in touch and sign up to receive more blogs related to general wellness, Occupational Therapy, and use of music and the creative arts to help heal people with special needs.
And feel free to email me if there are any questions or topics you would like me to cover in my blog posts.
